How Much Does a Gallon of Milk Weigh?

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Have you ever wondered how much does a gallon of milk weigh? Well, it’s more than you might think, and there’s more to it than just a simple measurement.

The answer to this question is not entirely straight forward, even though it might seem like it. That is because a gallon of milk weighs a different amount depending on where you are purchasing it from.

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milk (DP)

In the United States, a gallon of milk weighs 8.6 lbs (3.9kg). In the UK or Canada, a gallon of milk weighs around 10.3 lbs (4.67kgs).

If you’re looking into the weight of milk for the purposes of a recipe, or if you’re attempting to calculate it into a maximum weight capacity for a trip you’re taking in an RV with limited space, you’ll find all you need to know below. It’s a helpful kitchen tip that you might want to know the answer to.

While milk has some health benefits, there are also some negatives to drinking milk, one being lactose intolerance and milk intolerance, which many people suffer from.

Why Milk Weight Varies by Country

Why the difference? It’s because these countries use different units of measurement and one country’s gallon is not equivalent to the other. Just like with a pint of beer, a gallon is measured differently. In the U.S. a pint is 16 fluid ounces, while in the UK an Imperial pint is 20 fluid ounces.

One imperial gallon is equivalent to approximately 1.2 U.S. liquid gallons, so a “gallon” isn’t a measurement that is the same everywhere.

What About the Fat Content of Milk?

There can also be a slight difference in weight due to the fat content contained in the milk. Since you can buy milk in many different variations – from whole milk to skim milk – there will be a slight difference between all of those types, though it is a very small one, resulting in only about a 10 gram difference between the types.

Does a Gallon of Milk Weigh the Same As Water?

The answer to this is no. A gallon of milk often weighs more than water. A gallon of water weighs 8.35 pounds vs the 8.6 pounds that milk weighs.

A gallon of milk contains just 87% water and the rest is made up of fats, protein, carbohydrate (lactose), and minerals, plus micronutrients and vitamins. That’s a lot of additional components.

In fact, there have been 250 chemical compounds found in milk, which is an awful lot of extra components that will affect its overall weight.

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2 thoughts on “How Much Does a Gallon of Milk Weigh?

  1. DudlyDewRight says:

    “milk weighs more than water, and this is also due to the fat content in milk”

    You might considering revising this comment. The fat content – if taken alone – would actually cause the milk to weigh less than water because fat is less dense than water. The rest of your explanation – that there are other components which are more dense than water is the best explanation. Mentioning fat as you did make it confusing.

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